  1. Introductory Text

  2. So much of 6 G. 4. c. 91. as in hereinbefore set forth, and the 4 & 5 W. 4. c. 94. repealed.

  3. II.Privileges may be granted by Letters Patent to Persons associated for trading or other Purposes.

  4. III.The Letters Patent so granted may provide that Suits shall be carried on in the Name of One of the -Officers of any Company appointed for that Purpose. Proviso.

  5. IV.Individual Liability of Members of a Company may be restricted by Letters Patent.

  6. V.Deed of Partnership to be executed.

  7. VI.Return to be made as herein-after mentioned of the granting of Letters Patent, and Style of Company.

  8. VII.Name of Company sot to be changed after Registry. If Place of Business changed, Return to be made.

  9. VIII.When Persons cease to be Members of Company or Corporation, except by Transfer of Shares, or of Change of Name of Member, Company to make Return within Three Months.

  10. IX.On Transfer of Shares, Notice to be given to the Company or Corporation by Transferee.

  11. X.Company or Corporation to make Return within Three Months after receiving Notice of Transfer.

  12. XI.Any Person having made Payment in respect of a Share in a Company under any Judgment against such Company to make a Return thereof to Court of Chancery.

  13. XII.Company to make Return when Repayment is made of Money so advanced by any Person.

  14. XIII.On Death, Resignation, or Removal of Officer appointed to sue and be sued on behalf of Company or Body, another to be appointed, and Return made.

  15. XIV.Returns how to be signed and verified.

  16. XV.Return of Names of Members, &c. not to be rendered invalid by unintentional Error.

  17. XVI.Returns, to what Office to be made respectively in England, Scotland, or Ireland.

  18. XVII.By whom Returns are to be registered.

  19. XVIII.Certified Copy of such Return, &c. to be received in Evidence.

  20. XIX.Regulations as to Forms of Returns and Mode of keeping the Register, &c. by whom to be made.

  21. XX.No Person entitled to share in Profits till registered as a Member.

  22. XXI.Person ceasing to be a Member to continue liable till Transfer, &c registered.

  23. XXII.Proceedings, commenced in the Name of Officer not to be abated by his Death, &c. or by Change of Members of Company.

  24. XXIII.Evidence of Officer or of Member of Company admissible.

  25. XXIV.Effect of Judgments against Company.

  26. XXV.Bankruptcy of Officer of Company not to affect Company or Liabilities of Members.

  27. XXVI.Service of Notice on the Company.

  28. XXVII.Service of Notice by the Company.

  29. XXVIII.Determination of Company not to prevent the winding up of their Affairs.

  30. XXIX.Duration of Charters of Incorporation may be limited.

  31. XXX.Limitations as to Exemptions to be granted to Companies by Letters Patent.

  32. XXXI.Act not to affect existing Privileges.

  33. XXXII.Notice of Application for Letters Patent to be inserted in the London Gazette, &c.

  34. Schedule to which this Act refers

    1. SCHEDULE (A.)

    2. SCHEDULE (B.)

    3. SCHEDULE (C.)

    4. SCHEDULE (D.)

    5. SCHEDULE (E.)

    6. SCHEDULE (F.)

    7. SCHEDULE (G.)

    8. SCHEDULE (H.)