Highway Act 1835

XXIAs to Repair of Highways adjoining Bridges hereafter to be built. Raised Causeways, &c.

And be it further enacted. That if any Bridge shall hereafter be built, which Bridge shall be liable by Law to be repaired by and .at the Expence of any County or Part of any County, then and in such Case all Highways leading to, passing over, and next adjoining to such Bridge shall be from Time to Time repaired by the Parish, Person, or Body Politic or Corporate, or Trustees of a Turnpike Road, who were by Law before the Erection of the said Bridge bound to repair the said Highways: Provided nevertheless, that nothing herein contained shall extend or be construed to extend to exonerate or discharge any County or any Part of any County from repairing or keeping in repair the Walls, Banks, or Fences of the raised Causeways and raised Approaches to any such Bridge, or the Land Arches thereof.