
XVIIIAppointment of a Board directing Repairs in large Parishes. Powers of the Board.

And whereas it is expedient in large and populous Parishes that the Repairs of the Highways should be under the Direction and Control of a certain Number of Inhabitants, to be chosen and appointed as a Board for that Purpose, with necessary Powers ; be it therefore further enacted, That in any Parish where the Population by the then last Census, taken from the Returns made to Parliament, exceeds the Number of Five thousand, if it shall be determined by a Majority of Two Thirds of the Votes of the Vestrymen present at such Meeting as aforesaid, to form a Board for the Superintendence of the Highways of the said Parish, and for the Purpose of carrying the Provisions of this Act into effect, it shall be lawful for the said Vestry to nominate and elect any Number of Persons, not exceeding Twenty nor less than Five, being respectively Householders and residing in and assessed to the Rate for the Relief of the Poor of the said Parish, and also liable to be rated to the Repair of the Highways in the said Parish under and by virtue of this Act, to serve the Office of Surveyors of the Highways for the Year ensuing; and such Persons so to be nominated and elected as such Surveyors or any Three of them, shall and are hereby authorized to act as a Board, and to be called The Board for Repair of the Highways in the Parish of       " (as the Case may be), and to carry into effect the Powers, Authorities, and Directions in this Act contained; and such Board are hereby authorized to appoint a Collector, or any Number of Collectors, of the Rates to be made under the Authority of this Act, and also to employ a Person of Skill and Experience to act as an Assistant Surveyor to the said Board, and also a Clerk to attend the said Board, and to keep the Accounts and Minutes of the Proceedings thereof; such Assistant Surveyor and Clerk to be paid such reasonable Salaries out of the said Rates as the said Board shall determine; and upon such Board being so nominated and elected as aforesaid all and every the Powers and Authorities given and created by this Act, and granted to or vested in the Vestry, and in any Person or Persons as Surveyor, shall, for the Purposes of the Parish so nominating and electing such Board, be and the same are hereby declared to be vested in the said Persons so to be elected, or any Three of them acting as such Board as aforesaid; and such Persons, or any Three of them at a Meeting to be convened for that Purpose, may and they are hereby authorized to nominate and appoint a fit and proper Person to be Treasurer for the Deposit of the Monies to be collected for the Purposes of this Act, and to take from such Person good and sufficient Security for the Monies to be deposited in his Hands as aforesaid; and all Monies to be drawn from such Treasurer for the Purposes of this Act shall be drawn by Drafts or Cheques to be signed by the said Persons so to be nominated and elected as aforesaid, or any Three of them, at some one of their Meetings to be held under this Act, and such Drafts shall be respectively signed and entered in their Books by the said Clerk to be appointed as aforesaid:, Provided always, and it is hereby declared, that upon the Expiration of the Year for which such Board shall be elected as aforesaid, and before or on the Day for the Nomination and Election of Persons as Surveyors under the Authority of this Act, the said Board shall and are hereby directed to present to the Vestry of the Parish for which they shall have acted Copies of all their Accounts and also of the Minutes of their Proceedings during the preceding Year.