Highway Act 1835

XLIVYearly Accounts to be made by Surveyors, &c. and laid before the Justices at a Special Sessions for the Highways. Subject to appeal. Surveyors appointed under the Act of 13 G. 3. to pass their Accounts at Special Sessions after 25th March 1834.

And be it further enacted, That within Fourteen Days after the Election or Appointment of Surveyor as herein directed, the Accounts as aforesaid made in Writing, and signed by the Surveyor, District Surveyor, or Assistant Surveyor for the Year preceding, of all Monies received and disbursed by virtue of this Act, ending on the Day of the Election or Appointment of Surveyor, shall be made up, balanced, and laid before the Parishioners in Vestry assembled, who may, if they think fit, order an Abstract thereof to be printed and published; and within One Calendar Month after the Election or Appointment of Surveyor as herein directed the said Accounts shall be signed by the Surveyor, District Surveyor, or Assistant Surveyor for the Year preceding, and laid before the Justices of the Peace at a Special Sessions for the Highways holden at the Place nearest to the Parish or District for which such Surveyor shall have been appointed, and such Justices are hereby authorized and required to examine him as to the Truth of the said Accounts or of any Charge contained therein: Provided always, that if any Person chargeable to the Rate authorized; to be made by this Act has any Complaint against such Accounts or the Application of the Monies received by the said Surveyor, it shall be lawful for any such Inhabitant to make his Complaint thereof to such Justices at the Time of the Verification of such Accounts as aforesaid, and the said Justices are hereby required to hear such Complaint, and, if they shall think fit, to examine such Surveyor upon Oath, and to make such Order thereon as to them shall seem meet: Provided nevertheless, that the several Surveyors appointed under the Authority of the said Act passed in the Thirteenth Year of the Reign of His late Majesty King George the Third shall produce such Books and Statement and pass their Accounts before the Justices at a Special Sessions for the Highways to be holden within their respective Divisions in the Week next after that in which the Twenty-fifth Day of March shall be in the Year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and thirty-six, and pay the Balances thereof to the Surveyor to be chosen in pursuance of this Act, in the same Manner as they would have done to the Surveyors to have been appointed if this Act had not been passed.