Highway Act 1835

LVIf Surveyor shall make Pits or Holes in getting Materials, he shall cause them to be filled up or sloped down, and fenced off ; and in like Manner all those already made. Penalties on Surveyor for Neglect herein.

And be it further enacted, That if any Surveyor or Person employed by him shall, by reason of the searching for, digging, or getting any Materials for repairing any Highways, make any Pit or Hole in Lands, Common Grounds, Rivers, or Brooks as aforesaid wherein such Materials shall be found, he shall forthwith cause the same to be sufficiently fenced off, and such Fence supported and repaired during such Time as the said Pit or Hole shall continue open, and within Three Days after such Pit or Hole shall be opened or made, where no Materials shall be found, cause the same to be forthwith filled up, levelled, and covered with the Turf or Clod which was dug out of the same, and where any such Materials shall be found, within Fourteen Days after having dug up sufficient Materials in such Pit or Hole, cause the same to be filled up or sloped down, and fenced off, if required by the Owner of the Land or Ground, and so continued ; and every Surveyor shall within Twenty-one Days after he shall have been appointed to that Office cause all the said Pits and Holes which shall then be open and not likely to be further useful to be filled up or sloped down in manner aforesaid, and if they are likely to be further useful he shall secure the same by Posts and Rails or other Fences to prevent Accidents to Persons or Cattle; and in case such Surveyor or Person shall neglect to fill up, slope down, or fence off such Pit or Hole in manner and within the Time aforesaid, he shall forfeit the Sum of Ten Shillings for every such Default; and in case such Surveyor or Person shall neglect to fence off such Pit or Hole, or to slope down the same, as herein-before directed, for the Space of Six Days after he shall have received Notice for either of those Purposes from any Justice of the Peace, or from the Owner or Occupier of such several Ground, River, or Brook, or any Person having Right of Common within such Common or Waste Lands as aforesaid, and such Neglect and Notice shall be proved upon Oath before the Justices at a Special Sessions for the Highways, such Surveyor, Person or Persons, shall forfeit and pay any Sum not exceeding Ten Pounds for such Neglect, to be determined and adjudged by such Justices, and to be laid out and applied in the fencing off, filling up, or sloping down such Pit or Hole, and toward the Repair of the Roads in the Parish where the Offence shall be committed, in such Manner as the said Justices shall direct and appoint; which Forfeiture, in case the same be not forthwith paid, shall be levied as other Forfeitures are herein-after directed to be levied.