
XIAs to Prosecutions for Offences.

And be it enacted, That the Prosecution for every Offence punishable by virtue of this Act shall be commenced within Three Calendar Months after the Commission of the Offence ; and that where any Person shall be charged, on the Oath of a credible Witness, with any such Offence before a Justice of the Peace, the Justice may summon the Party charged to appear before himself, or any One or Two Justices of the Peace, as the Case may require, at any Time and Place to be named in such Summons; and if such Party shall not appear accordingly, then (upon Proof of the due Service of the Summons, by delivering a Copy thereof to the Party, or by delivering such Copy at the Party's usual Place of Abode to some Inmate thereat, and explaining the Purport thereof to such Inmate,) the Justice or Justices may either proceed to hear and determine the Case in the Absence of the Party, or may issue his or their Warrant for apprehending and bringing such Party before him or them, as the Case may be ; or the Justice before whom the Charge shall be made may, if he shall have Reason to suspect, from Information upon Oath, that the Party is likely to abscond, issue such Warrant in the first instance, without any previous Summons.