Game Act 1831

XXIVPenalty for destroying or taking the Eggs of Game, &c.

And be it enacted, That if any Person not having the Right of killing the Game upon any Land, nor having Permission from the Person having such Right, shall wilfully take out of the Nest or destroy in the Nest upon such Land the Eggs of any Bird of Game, or of any Swan, Wild Duck, Teal, or Widgeon, or shall knowingly have in his House, Shop, Possession, or Controul any such Eggs so taken, every such Person shall, on Conviction thereof before Two Justices of the Peace, forfeit and pay for every Egg so taken or destroyed, or so found in his House, Shop, Possession, or Controul, such Sum of Money, not exceeding Five Shillings, as to the said Justices shall seem meet, together with the Costs of the Conviction.