Tithe Act 1846

IIUpon Payment of the Consideration Money, Commissioners to certify that the Parish is discharged of Tithes.

And be it enacted, That in every Case in which any such Rent-charge, not exceeding Fifteen Pounds as aforesaid, has been or shall be awarded to be paid, the Commissioners shall give Notice, in such Manner as they shall think fit, of the Time within which it shall be lawful for the Owners of the Land charged therewith, or any of them, to redeem such Rent-charge; and when it shall appear to the Commissioners that the Consideration Money for the Redemption of such Rent-charge as aforesaid shall have been paid, according to the Provisions of this Act, within the Time limited by them in this Behalf, or within any enlarged Time which the Commissioners may by any Order under their Hands and Seal allow for that Purpose, no Apportionment of the Rent-charge shall be made, but the Commissioners shall, by a Certificate under their Hands and Seal, certify that such Rent-charge has been redeemed, and that the Parish is discharged of such Rent-charge, and of the Tithes in lieu of which such Rent-charge was agreed or awarded to be paid, as from such Time as the Commissioners shall think reasonable and declare, and such Parish shall be thenceforth discharged according to the Terms of such Certificate.