
IVWhen Parish Church is in Ruins, or under Repair, &c, Banns may be proclaimed and Marriages celebrated in an adjoining Parish, &c.

And be it enacted, That if the Church of any Parish, or Chapel of any Chapelry, wherein Marriages may have been usually solemnized, be in Ruins, or be demolished in order to be rebuilt, or for any other Cause, or be under Repair, and on such Account or for any other Reason be disused for Public Service, it shall be lawful for Banns to be proclaimed and Marriages to be celebrated in a Church or Chapel of any adjoining Parish or Chapelry in which Banns are usually proclaimed or Marriage is usually celebrated, or in any Place within the Limits of the Parish or Chapelry which shall be licensed by the Ordinary of the Diocese for the Performance of Divine Service, during or by reason of the Repair or Rebuilding or Disuse of the Church as aforesaid; and where no such Place shall be so licensed, then during such Period as aforesaid the Marriage may be solemnized in the adjoining Church or Chapel wherein the Banns have been proclaimed, or which shall have been specified in the Licence; and all Marriages heretofore solemnized in other Places within the said Parishes or Chapelries than the said Churches or Chapels on account of their being in Ruins, under Repair, or demolished, or taken down in order to be rebuilt, or for any other Cause, shall not be liable to have their Validity questioned on that Account, nor shall the Ministers who have so solemnized the same be liable to any Ecclesiastical Censure, or to any other Proceeding or Penalty whatsoever.