
IIMarriages intended to be solemnized in Ireland between Parties One of whom shall be resident in Scotland, a Certificate of the Banns having been published on Three several Sundays in the Congregation of which the Party is a Member to be obtained from the Minister.

And be it enacted, That in the Case of a Marriage intended to be solemnized in Ireland between Parties One of whom shall be resident in Scotland, it shall be lawful for such Party to obtain from the Minister of the Congregation in Scotland of which he or she shall be a Member for at least One Calendar Month preceding a Certificate under his Hand that Banns of such intended Marriage of such Parties have been duly published or proclaimed in such Congregation on Three several Sundays; and from and after the Expiration of Seven Days from the granting of such Certificate the Production of such Certificate to the Person duly authorized in Ireland under the Provisions of the said first-recited Act to grant a Licence for Marriage in such Case shall be as. valid and effectual to all Intents and Purposes for authorizing such Person to grant a Licence for Marriage, and such Certificate shall be as valid and effectual for all other Purposes under the Provisions of the said recited Act as any Certificate of a Registrar of a District in Ireland would be under the said Act if such Party giving such Notice were resident within such District in Ireland, and the other Party to such intended Marriage also were resident within another Registrar's District in Ireland.