
IIIPower of Justices may be exercised under Warrant.

And be it enacted, That in every Case (except within the Metropolitan Police District) in which the Justices of Peace in every Shire, and Mayors, Sheriffs, Bailiffs, and other head Officers within every City, Town, and Borough, within this Realm, now have by Law Authority to enter into any House, Room, or Place where unlawful Games shall be suspected to be holden, it shall be lawful for any Justice of the Peace, upon Complaint made before him on Oath that there is Reason to suspect any House, Room, or Place to be kept or used as a common Gaming House, to give Authority, by special Warrant under his Hand, when in his Discretion he shall think fit, to any Constable, to enter, with such Assistance as may be found necessary, into such House, Room, or Place, in like Manner as might have been done by such Justices, Mayors, Sheriffs, Bailiffs, or other head Officers, and, if necessary, to use Force for making such Entry, whether by breaking open Doors or otherwise, and to arrest, search, and bring before a Justice of Peace all such Persons found therein as might have been arrested therein by such Justice of Peace had he been personally present; and all such Persons shall be dealt with according to Law, as if they had been arrested in such House, Room, or Place by the Justice before whom they shall be so brought; and any such Warrant may be in the Form given in the First Schedule annexed to this Act.