
XXCommissioners of Stamps and Taxes empowered to cause the Books of Bankers containing Accounts of their Bank Notes in circulation to be inspected. Penalty for refusing to allow such Inspection.

And whereas, in order to insure the rendering of true and faithful Accounts of the Amount of Bank Notes in circulation as directed by this Act, it is necessary that the Commissioners of Stamps and Taxes should be empowered to cause the Books of Bankers issuing such Notes to be inspected, as herein-after mentioned: Be it therefore enacted, That all and every the Book and Books of any Banker who shall issue Bank Notes under the Provisions of this Act in which shall be kept, contained, or entered any Account, Minute, or Memorandum of or relating to the Bank Notes issued or to be issued by such Banker, or of or relating to the Amount of such Notes in circulation from Time to Time, or any Account, Minute, or Memorandum the Sight or Inspection whereof may tend to secure the rendering of true Accounts of the average Amount of such Notes in circulation, as directed by this Act, or to Test the Truth of any such Account, shall be open for the Inspection and Examination, at all seasonable Times, of any Officer of Stamp Duties authorized in that Behalf by Writing, signed by the Commissioners of Stamps and Taxes or any Two of them; and every such Officer shall be at liberty to take Copies of or Extracts from any such Book or Account as aforesaid; and if any Banker or other Person keeping any such Book, or having the Custody or Possession thereof, or Power to produce the same, shall, upon Demand made, by any such Officer, showing (if required) his Authority in that Behalf, refuse to produce any such Book to such Officer for his Inspection and Examination, or to permit him to inspect and examine the same, or to take Copies thereof or Extracts therefrom, or of or from any such Account, Minute, or Memorandum as aforesaid kept, contained, or entered therein, every such Banker or other Person so offending shall for every such Offence forfeit the Sum of One hundred Pounds ; Provided always, that the said Commissioners shall not exercise the Powers aforesaid without the Consent of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury.