Bank Charter Act 1844

XIXMode of ascertaining the average Amount of Bank Notes of each Banker in circulation during the first Four Weeks after 10th October 1844.

And be it enacted, That for the Purpose of ascertaining the monthly average Amount of Bank Notes of each Banker in circulation, the aggregate of the Amount of Bank Notes of each such Banker in circulation on every Day of Business during the first complete Period of Four Weeks next after the Tenth Day of October One thousand eight hundred and forty-four, such Period ending on a Saturday, shall be divided by the Number of Days of Business in such Four Weeks, and the Average so ascertained shall be deemed to be the Average of Bank Notes of each such Banker in circulation during such Period of Four Weeks, and so in each successive Period of Four Weeks, and such Average is not to exceed the Amount certified by the Commissioners of Stamps and Taxes as aforesaid.