Bank Charter Act 1844

IXBank to allow the Public the Profits of increased Circulation.

And be it enacted, That in case, under the Provisions herein-.before contained, the Securities held in the said Issue Department of the Bank of England shall at any Time be increased beyond the total Amount of Fourteen million Pounds, then and in each and every Year in which the same shall happen, and so long as such Increase shall continue, the said Governor and Company shall, in addition to the said annual Sum of One hundred and eighty thousand Pounds, make a further Payment or Allowance to the Public, equal in Amount to the net Profit derived in the said Issue Department during the current Year from such additional Securities, after deducting the Amount of the Expenses occasioned by the additional Issue during the same Period, which Expenses shall include the Amount of any and every Composition or Payment to be made by the said Governor and Company to any Banker in consideration of the Discontinuance at any Time hereafter of the Issue of Bank Notes by such Banker ; and such further Payment or Allowance to the Public by the said Governor and Company shall, in every Year while the Public shall be entitled to receive the same, be deducted from the Amount by Law payable to the said Governor and Company for the Charges of Management of the Unredeemed Public Debt, in the same Manner as the said annual Sum of One hundred and eighty thousand Pounds is hereby directed to be deducted therefrom.