Duchy of Cornwall (No. 2) Act 1844

LXX No Damage to be done to any House, Building, Park, Garden, or Pleasure Ground.U.K.

Provided also, nothing in this Act contained shall authorize or empower the Duke of Cornwall or any Lessee or other Person claiming under him, to erect any Building, or Steam or other Engine, Machinery, or Thing, or sink or make any Pit, Shaft, Air-hole, Tram or other Road, or lay any Ore, Rubbish, or other Thing, or to enter into or upon the Surface of any Land which the said Commissioners by their Award shall certify to have been on the First Day of May One thousand eight hundred and forty-four appropriated as a Garden, Park, or Pleasure Ground, or as a Dwelling House, or a Yard or Curtilage to any Dwelling House (and which they are hereby authorized and required in and by such Award to certify accordingly), and which shall afterwards continue to be so appropriated, or in or upon any Land which may at any Time hereafter at the Time of Entry be actually andbona fideappropriated and used as a Dwelling House, or as a Yard, Curtilage, or Garden attached to a Dwelling House, so long as the same shall continue to be so appropriated and used, and so as no such Yard, Curtilage, or Garden shall extend more than Fifty Feet from such Dwelling House.