
IXPeace Officers to apprehend suspected Persons. Persons apprehended, and not proving that the Property is honestly come by, to be punishable.

And be it enacted, That every Peace Officer and Constable, and every Watchman duly appointed by Law, during such Time as he shall be on Duty, shall and may apprehend or cause to be apprehended any Person whom he may reasonably suspect of having, or carrying or in any way conveying, at any Time after Sun-setting, and before Sun-rising, any such Materials, Tools, or Apparatus as aforesaid, suspected to be purloined, embezzled, or otherwise fraudulently disposed of, and shall lodge such Person, together with the Property, in a Police Office or other Place of Security, in order that he may be brought before a Justice of the Peace so soon as convenient, who is hereby empowered to discharge such Person, or to order his Detention until the next Court of Petty Sessions, unless he enter into such Bail, with Two sufficient Sureties, as may be required, for his Appearance before such Court on any Day to be fixed by the said Justice; and if the Person so apprehended in the Act of committing any such Offence as aforesaid, or of conveying any such Property as last aforesaid, shall not produce before the said Court the Person duly entitled to dispose of such Property from whom he bought or received the same, or shall not give an Account to the Satisfaction of the said Court that the Property is honestly come by, then the Person so apprehended shall be deemed and adjudged guilty of a Misdemeanor, and be punished in manner herein-after mentioned, although no Proof shall be given as to whom such Property belongs.