New Parishes Act 1843

XXIIPowers of Bounty Board as to Endowment under 2 & 3 Ann. c.11 and 45 G.3 c.84 conferred upon Commissioners for the Purposes of this Act.

And for the Encouragement of such Persons as shall be disposed to contribute towards the Purposes of this Act, and that their Charity may be rightly applied, be it enacted, That all and every Person or Persons, or Body Corporate, having in his or their own Right any Estate or Interest in Possession, Reversion, or Contingency of or in any Lands, Tithes, Tenements, or other Hereditaments, or any Property of or in any Goods or Chattels, shall have full Power, Licence, and Authority, at his and their Will and Pleasure, by Deed inrolled in such Manner and within such Time as is directed by the [27 Hen. 8. c. 16.] Statute made in the Twenty-seventh Year of the Reign of King Henry the Eighth, intituled An Act concerning Enrolments of Bargains and Contracts of Lands and Tenements, in the Case of any Lands, Tithes, Tenements, or other Hereditaments, (but without any Deed in the Case of any Goods or Chattels,) or by his or their Testament in Writing, duly executed according to Law, to give and grant to and vest in the said Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England and their Successors all such his or their Estate, Interest, or Property in such Lands, Tithes, Tenements, or other Hereditaments, Goods, and Chattels, or any Part or Parts thereof, for and towards the Endowment or Augmentation of the Income of such Ministers or Perpetual Curates as aforesaid, or for or towards providing any Church or Chapel for the Purposes and subject to the Provisions of this Act, and to be for such Purposes respectively applied, according to the Will of such Benefactors respectively, as in and by such Deed inrolled, or such Testament, executed as aforesaid, may be expressed, or, in the Case of no Deed or Testament, as may in some other Manner be directed, and in default of such Expression or Direction then in such Manner as shall be directed by the Authority herein-before mentioned; and such Commissioners and their Successors shall have full Capacity and Ability to purchase, receive, take, hold, and enjoy, for the Purposes aforesaid, as well from such Persons as shall be so charitably disposed to give the same, as from all other Persons who shall be willing to sell or aliene to the said Commissioners any Lands, Tithes, Tenements, or other Hereditaments, Goods, or Chattels, without any Licence or Writ of Act quod damnum, the Statute of Mortmain, or any other Statute or Law, to the contrary notwithstanding.