
XVIIChurchwardens to be chosen.

And be it enacted, That in every such Case of a District so becoming a new Parish Two fit and proper Persons, being Members of the United Church of England and Ireland, shall, within Twenty-one Days from the Consecration of the Church thereof, be chosen Churchwardens for such new Parish, one being chosen by the Perpetual Curate thereof, and the other by the Inhabitants, residing therein and having a similar Qualification to that which would entitle Inhabitants to vote at the Election of Churchwardens for the principal Parish as aforesaid, or the Majority of such Inhabitants, and such Election shall take place at a Meeting to be summoned in such Manner in all respects as such Perpetual Curate shall direct; and such Persons shall continue such Churchwardens until the next usual Period of appointing Parish Officers following their Appointment; and at the like Time in every Year Two such Persons shall thenceforward be chosen by the Perpetual Curate for the Time being and Inhabitants assembled as aforesaid; and every Person so chosen as aforesaid shall be duly admitted, and shall do all Things pertaining to the Office of Churchwarden as to Ecclesiastical Matters in the said new Parish: Provided always, that nothing herein contained shall render any such Churchwardens liable or competent to perform the Duties of Overseer of the Poor in respect of such their Office of Churchwardens.