
IXDistricts may be constituted for Spiritual Purposes ; and are to be endowed to a certain Amount at the least.

And whereas there are divers Parishes, Chapelries, and Districts of great Extent, and containing a large Population, wherein or in Parts whereof the Provision for Public Worship and for Pastoral Superintendence is insufficient for the Spiritual Wants of the Inhabitants thereof; be it therefore enacted, That if at any Time it shall be made to appear to the said Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England, that it would promote the Interests of Religion that any Part or Parts of any such Parish or Parishes, Chapelry or Chapelries, District or Districts, or any Extra-parochial Place or Places, or any Part or Parts thereof, should be constituted a separate District for Spiritual Purposes, it shall be lawful, by the Authority aforesaid, with the Consent of the Bishop of the Diocese under his Hand and Seal, to set out by Metes and Bounds, and constitute a separate District accordingly, such District not then containing within its Limits any consecrated Church or Chapel in use for the Purposes of Divine Worship, and to fix and declare the Name of such District: Provided always, that the Draft of any Scheme for constituting any such District, proposed to be laid before Her Majesty in Council by the said Commissioners, shall be delivered or transmitted to the Incumbent and to the Patron or Patrons of the Church or Chapel of any Parish, Chapelry, or District out of which it is recommended that any such District or any Part thereof should be taken, in order that such Incumbent, Patron or Patrons, may have an Opportunity of offering or making, to the said Commissioners or to such Bishop, any Observations or Objections upon or to the constituting of such District; and that such Scheme shall not be laid before Her Majesty in Council, until after the Expiration of One Calendar Month next after such Copy shall have been so delivered or transmitted, unless such Incumbent and Patron or Patrons shall in the meantime consent to the same: Provided also, that in every Scheme for constituting any such District, the said Commissioners shall recommend to Her Majesty in Council, that the Minister of such District, when duly licensed as herein-after mentioned, shall be permanently endowed, under the Provisions herein-after contained, to an Amount of not less than the annual Value of One hundred Pounds; and also, if such Endowment be of less than the annual Value of One hundred and fifty Pounds, that the same shall be increased under the like Provisions to such last-mentioned Amount, at the least, so soon as such District shall have become a new Parish as herein-after provided.