New Parishes Act 1843

  1. Introductory Text

  2. Queen Anne's Bounty Board may lend Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England a Sum of Stock.

  3. II.Bounty Board may lend further Sums of Stock.

  4. III.Commissioners to pay Dividends half-yearly.

  5. IV.The whole Property of the Commissioners under the Cathedral Acts to be Security for every such Loan.

  6. V.Bounty Board may require Repayment of Capital after Thirty Years.

  7. VI.Commissioners to have full Rights of Ownership over the Lands, &c. vested in them, subject to certain Conditions.

  8. VII.Commissioners to have full Power over Stock.

  9. VIII.Stock not to be used, nor Lands sold, without Approval of Her Majesty in Council.

  10. IX.Districts may be constituted for Spiritual Purposes ; and are to be endowed to a certain Amount at the least.

  11. X.Map of District to be annexed to Scheme, and registered.

  12. XI.Minister to be nominated and licensed to District.

  13. XII.Style and Character of Minister ; and Power to hold Endowments.

  14. XIII.Bishop may license a temporary Place of Worship.

  15. XIV.Not to prevent Marriages and Burials in Mother Church, nor affect certain other Rights.

  16. XV.District to become a new Parish upon a Church being consecrated.

  17. XVI.Minister to become Perpetual Curate of new Parish.

  18. XVII.Churchwardens to be chosen.

  19. XVIII.Act not to affect Parochial Rights, &c. otherwise than as expressly provided.

  20. XIX.Endowment of Minister. Compensation to Incumbent of Mother Church.

  21. XX.Patronage may be conferred upon Contributors to Endowment or to a Church, or their Nominees.

  22. XXI.Remaining Patronage to be exercised alternately by Crown and Bishops.

  23. XXII.Powers of Bounty Board as to Endowment under 2 & 3 Ann. c.11 and 45 G.3 c.84 conferred upon Commissioners for the Purposes of this Act.

  24. XXIII.Powers of 3 & 4 Vict. c.113 and 4 & 5 Vict. c.39 extended to this Act.

  25. XXIV.Church Building Commissioners may make Grants for Purposes of this Act.

  26. XXV.So much of 17 Car. 2 c.3 as enables Impropriators to augment (repealed by 1 & 2 Vict. c.106 s.15) revived.

  27. XXVI.Act not to extend to Scotland or Ireland.

  28. XXVII.Act may be amended this Session.