Court of Session Consignations (Scotland) Act 1895

16Right to claim moneys in Queen's Remembrancer's hands.

Every person having any legal claim to the moneys to be paid over in terms of this Act, or any part of them, shall have such and the like claim thereto, and such and the like right to demand and recover the same from the Queen's and Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer, after payment thereof to the said Remembrancer, as from the person or persons having possession of such moneys before payment to the said Remembrancer; and an order by the court in which any consignation has been made or received for the payment thereof, or of any part thereof, to any person or persons named, shall be sufficient warrant to the Queen's and Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer to make such payment, and such court shall continue to have jurisdiction relative to the disposal of such consignation, and the parties to the cause shall have the same rights of appeal and otherwise in case of dispute regarding the consignation as they would have had if the money had remained in the hands of the Accountant or any of the Clerks of Court.