Local Government (Scotland) Act 1894

20Disqualification for parish councils

(1)A person shall be disqualified for being elected, and for being, a member of a parish council, if and while he—

(a)holds any office or place of profit under the parish council or any committee thereof, or

(b)has directly or indirectly, by himself or his partner, any share or interest in any contract or employment with, by, or on behalf of, the parish council or any committee thereof.

(2)But a person shall not be disqualified, or be deemed to have any share or interest in such a contract or employment, by reason only of his having any share or interest in—

(a)any lease, sale, or purchase of land, or water, or right of water supply, or any agreement for the same; or

(b)any agreement for the loan of money, or any security for the payment of money only ; or

(c)any newspaper in which any advertisement relating to the affairs of the parish council or any committee thereof is inserted; or

(d)any company which contracts with the parish council, or any committee thereof, for lighting or supplying with water, or insuring against fire, any property of the parish council; or

(e)any contract with the council for the supply from land, of which he is owner or occupier, of stone, gravel, or other materials for making or repairing highways or bridges, or for the transport of materials for the repair of roads or bridges in. his own immediate neighbourhood; or

(f)any railway company or any company incorporated by Act of Parliament or Royal Charter, or under the Companies Acts, 1862 to 1890:

Provided that no parish councillor shall vote or act in any matter in which he has a pecuniary interest.

(3)No person shall be disqualified by sex or marriage for being elected, or being, a member of a parish council, or for being appointed a representative of that council on a district committee of a county council, or on a county council where a county is not divided into districts.