
8Solemnization of marriage at office in presence of marriage officer and two witnesses.

(1)After the expiration of fourteen days after the notice of an intended marriage has been entered under this Act, then, if no lawful impediment to the marriage is shown to the satisfaction of the marriage officer, and the marriage has not been forbidden in manner provided by this Act, the marriage may be solemnized under this Act.

(2)Every such marriage shall be solemnized at the official house of the marriage officer, with open doors, between the hours of eight in the forenoon and three in the afternoon, in the presence of two or more witnesses, and maybe solemnized by another person in the presence of the marriage officer, according to the rites of the Church of England, or such other form and ceremony as the parties thereto see fit to adopt, or, may, where the parties so desire, be solemnized by the marriage officer.

(3)Where such marriage is not solemnized according to the rites of the Church of England, then in some part of the ceremony, and in the presence of the marriage officer and witnesses, each of the parties shall declare,

I solemnly declare, that I know not of any lawful impediment why I A.B. [or CD.] may not be joined in matrimony to CD. [or A.B.].

And each of the parties shall say to the other,

I call upon these persons here present to witness, that I A.B. [or CD.] take thee, CD. [or A.B.], to be my lawful wedded wife [or husband].