
18Testamentary trustees, &c. may apply to Court for superintendence order as to investment and distribution of estate.

Section one hundred and sixty-six of the Bankruptcy (Scotland) Act, 1856, shall be and is hereby repealed, and in lieu thereof be it enacted that where a person deceased has left a settlement appointing trustees or other persons with power to manage his estate, it shall be competent for such trustees or other persons to apply to the Court of Sessions for an order on the accountant to superintend their administration of the estate, in so far as it relates to the investment of the estate and the distribution thereof among the creditors of the deceased and the beneficiaries under the settlement, and the Court may grant such order accordingly ; and, if such order be granted, the accountant shall annually examine and audit the accounts of such trustees or other persons, and at any time, if he thinks fit, he may report to the Court upon any question that may arise in the administration of the estate with regard to any of the aforesaid matters, and obtain the directions of the Court thereupon.