
PART VITransitory Provisions.

First Election of County Councillors.

105Preliminary action of county councillors as provisional council.

(1)The members of a county council first elected under this Act shall not enter on their ordinary duties or become the county council until the first day of April next after their election, or such other day as on the application of the provisional council the Local Government Board may appoint.

(2)Such members shall, on the second Thursday next after the day fixed for the first election, and thenceforward from time to time until the day above mentioned in this section, meet and act as a provisional council for arranging to bring this Act into operation.

(3)The provisional councillors shall at their first meeting elect one of their number to be chairman of that meeting and of the second meeting, and shall then at that meeting, or some adjournment thereof, proceed to elect the county aldermen in like manner as if they were a fully constituted county council, and such county aldermen shall be summoned to attend at the second meeting of the provisional council, and shall form part of the provisional council both for the election of chairman and all other purposes.

(4)The provisional council shall, at their second meeting, or some adjournment thereof, proceed to elect as their chairman a person qualified to be chairman of the county council and may from time to time fill any vacancy in the office of such chairman, and the person elected chairman shall be chairman of the provisional council, and also on and after the appointed day of the county council, and the term of office of such chairman shall end on the next ordinary day of election of chairman.

(5)This enactment shall extend to the vice-chairman and deputy chairman.