
PART VITransitory Provisions.

Transitional Proceedings.

110Current rates, jury lists, &c.

(1)Every rate and precept for contributions made before the appointed day may be levied and collected, and proceedings for the enforcement thereof taken in like manner as nearly as may be as if this Act had not passed.

(2)The accounts of all receipts and expenditure before the appointed day shall be audited, and disallowances, surcharges, and penalties recovered and enforced, and other consequential proceedings had in like manner as nearly as may be as if this Act had not passed, and every officer whose duty it is to make up any accounts, or to account for any portion of the receipts or expenditure in any account, shall, until the audit is completed, be deemed for the purpose of such audit to continue in office and be bound to perform the same duties and render the same accounts, and be subject to the same liabilities as before the appointed day.

(3)In the counties of Middlesex, Kent, and Surrey, the lists of jurors in force on the appointed day shall continue in force until the lists which are next made come into force, and all jurors summoned before the appointed day shall attend after that day as if summoned in accordance with this Act.

(4)All proceedings, legal and other, commenced before the appointed day, may be carried on in like manner, as nearly as may be, as if this Act had not passed, and may be so carried on by the county council in substitution for the authorities by whom such, proceedings were commenced. Every legal proceeding commenced before the appointed day may be amended in such manner as may appear necessary of proper in order to bring the same into conformity with the provisions of this Act.

(5)Every militiaman enlisted before the appointed day shall continue liable to serve in the same corps as if this Act had not passed.

111Transitory provisions as to lunatic asylums.

(1)Any committee for providing an asylum for pauper lunatics, or any committee Of visitors of an asylum for pauper lunatics holding office on the day fixed for the first election of county councillors under this Act, shall continue to hold office until the expiration of one week after the county council have elected a committee for the like purposes and no longer.

(2)Any committee elected by the county council shall come into Office at the expiration of the said week, and shall be deemed to be a continuance of the old committee of visitors elected by the quarter sessions.

(3)All visitors of an asylum appointed on behalf of a borough or subscribers who are visitors at the date of the first election of the county council under this Act shall continue to be such visitors until the annual election of visitors which happens next after such election.

(4)Anything done in pursuance of the enactments relating to pauper lunatics by the quarter sessions or any committee thereof before the appointment of any committee by the county council shall have effect as if it had been done by the county council or by a committee elected by the county council.

(5)Where there is a joint committee of visitors for two or more counties or boroughs, this section shall apply to each portion of the committee appointed by the justices of any such county, or by the justices or council of any such borough, in like manner as if it were a separate committee.

112Transitory provisions as to Contagious Diseases (Animals) Acts.

(1)Every executive committee appointed by the quarter sessions under the Contagious Diseases (Animals) Acts, and holding office on the appointed day, shall continue to hold office until the expiration of one week after the county council shall have appointed a committee for the like purpose, and no longer.

(2)Au executive committee appointed by the county council shall come into office at the expiration of the said week, and shall be deemed to be a continuance of the outgoing executive committee.

(3)Every sub-committee of an executive committee under the said Acts holding office on the appointed day shall continue in office until a sub-committee for the like purposes shall be appointed by the county council, or by the executive committee appointed by the county council.

(4)Every committee and sub-committee continued in office by virtue of this section shall, during such continuance, have all such powers as it would have had if this Act had not been passed.