Markets and Fairs (Weighing of Cattle) Act 1887

4Accommodation for weighing cattle to be provided.

In or near to every market or fair to which this Act applies, the market authority shall provide and maintain sufficient and proper buildings or places for weighing cattle brought for sale within the market or fair, and shall keep therein or near thereto weighing machines and weights for the purpose of weighing cattle, and shall appoint proper persons to have charge of such machines and weights, and to afford the use of such machines and weights to the public for weighing cattle as may be from time to time required.

The market authority shall have the accuracy of such weighing machines and weights tested at least twice in every year by the local inspector of weights and measures of and for the county, borough, or place where the market is situate, and the cost of such testing shall be borne by such market authority.

If the market authority fail to comply with the provisions of this section, it shall not be lawful for them to demand, receive, or recover any toll whatever in respect of any cattle brought to the market or fair for sale so long as such failure continues, but this enactment shall hot apply till after the first day of January one thousand eight hundred and

Any person who demands or receives any toll in respect of cattle in any market or fair to which for the time being this Act applies, but in which the market authority have not complied with the provisions of this Act, shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding five pounds.