Yorkshire Registries Act 1884

  1. Introductory Text

  2. 1.Short title

  3. 2.Commencement of Act

  4. 3.Interpretation

  5. Registration

    1. 4.Assurances and wills may be registered

    2. 5.Mode of registration

    3. 6.Memorials

    4. 7.Memorandum of lien or charge

    5. 8.Deeds, &c. not to be enrolled unless originals, &c. produced

    6. 9.Endorsement on deed or will after registration

    7. 10.Caveats

    8. 11.Notices of wills not proved, &c

    9. 12.Affidavit of intestacy

    10. 13.Where by any Act any lands are vested upon the payment of money, &c. an affidavit of the vesting may be registered

    11. 14.Priority of assurances and wills

    12. 15.Registration to be actual notice

    13. 16.Protection by legal estate and tacking not to be allowed

    14. 17.Rights of purchasers to relief to be the same as those of the persons through whom they claim

    15. 18.Registration

    16. 19.Searches may be made and copies taken by any person

    17. 20.Official searches

    18. 21.Record of official searches

    19. 22.Certified copies

    20. 23.Protection of solicitors, trustees, &c. in the case of certificates, &c

    21. 24.Pages of register to be numbered and signed

    22. 25.Rectification of register by Court

    23. 26.Entries in respect of statutory receipts

    24. 27.Registrar need not register instrument not duly stamped

    25. 28.Act not to extend to copyhold or certain leasehold interest

    26. 29.Shares in companies not to be affected

    27. 30.Saving as to Crown lands

  6. Register Offices

    1. 31.Offices for the registration of deeds

    2. 32.Seal of register office

    3. 33.Vesting of register offices, &c. in clerk of peace

    4. 34.Building, &c. of offices

    5. 35.Rules

    6. 36.Existing registrars to be first registrars under this Act

    7. 37.Appointment of officers, &c

    8. 38.Fees

    9. 39.Unauthorised fees not to be taken

    10. 40.Application of fees

    11. 41.Accounts

    12. 42.Expenses to be defrayed out of county rate

  7. Existing Registries

    1. 43.Registering of memorials, &c. where assurance, &c. executed before commencement of Act, &c

    2. 44.Books, &c. connected with old registries

    3. 45.Copies of old registers

  8. Miscellaneous

    1. 46.Frauds by registrar, &c

    2. 47.Falsely swearing under this Act to be punished as perjury

    3. 48.Swearing of affidavits

    4. 49.Actions for neglect, &c. to be brought against registrar

    5. 50.Protection of local authority and the officers from personal liability

    6. 51.Repeal

  9. The SCHEDULES referred to in the foregoing Act