


3The public notice of the intention to let an allotment out of land when set apart shall specify the amount of land to be let, and the rent per acre or rod to be paid, and the place and time at which applications are to be made, and shall be given annually in the month of June, or in such other month as may be fixed by, or in pursuance of, rules under this Act:. Provided that in any year in which there will be no allotment vacant out of land already set apart, it shall not be necessary to give such notice.

4The first public notice of the intention to let an allotment shall be given in the month of June next after the trustees obtain possession of the allotment, or at such other time, not more than one month later, as may be fixed by or in pursuance of rules under this Act; and, if not so given, shall be given at such time as may be fixed by the county court judge for the district in which the land is situate, or by the Charity Commissioners.

5The time for applications for allotments out of land when already set apart shall be the month of August, or such other month as may be fixed by or in pursuance of rules under this Act.

6The allotments shall be let to persons in the order in which they apply, or in accordance with such other order as may be provided by rules under this Act, so that there shall be no undue preference shown as regards the persons to whom they are let.

7Each allotment shall be let on a yearly tenancy beginning at Michaelmas day, or at such other day as may be fixed by or in pursuance of rules under this Act.