
PART ICustoms and Excise

As to Customs

7Alteration of duties on spirits imported

In lieu of the duties of customs now payable under the [39 & 40 Vict. c. 35.] Customs Tariff Act, 1876, on spirits or strong waters, and of the duties of excise on spirits manufactured or distilled in the islands of Guernsey, Jersey, Alderney, and Sark respectively, and imported into the United Kingdom, there shall be charged and paid the duties of customs following ; (that is to say,)

For every gallon computed at hydrometer proof of spirits of any description (except perfumed spirits) including naphtha or methylic alcohol, purified so as to be potable, and mixtures and preparations containing spirits0104
For every gallon of perfumed spirits0166

And so in proportion for any less quantity.

Where a person importing liqueurs, cordials, or other preparations containing spirits in bottle, may have entered the same in such a manner as to indicate that the strength is not to be tested, duty shall be charged and paid at the rate following; (that is to say,)

For every gallon thereof0140

And so in proportion for any less quantity.