Customs and Inland Revenue Act 1881

33Provisions as to obtaining probate, &c. where gross value of estate does not exceed three hundred pounds

(1)Where the whole personal estate and effects of any person dying on or after the first day of June one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one (inclusive of property by law made such personal estate and effects for the purpose of the charge of duty, and any personal estate and effects situate out of the United Kingdom), without any deduction for debts or funeral expenses, shall not exceed the value of three hundred pounds, it shall be lawful for the person intending to apply for probate or letters of administration in England or Ireland, to deliver to the proper officer of the court or to any officer of inland revenue duly appointed for the purpose, a notice in writing in the prescribed form, setting forth the particulars of such estate and effects, and such further particulars as may be required to be stated therein, and to deposit with him the sum of fifteen shillings for fees of court and expenses, and also, in case the estate and effects shall exceed the value of one hundred pounds, the further sum of thirty shillings for stamp duty.

(2)If the officer has good reason to believe that the whole personal estate and effects of the deceased exceeds the value of three hundred pounds, he shall refuse to accept the notice and deposit until he is satisfied of the true value thereof.

(3)The principal registrars of the Probate, Divorce, and Admiralty Division of the High Court of Justice in England, and of the Probate and Matrimonial Division of the High Court of Justice in Ireland, in communication with the Commissioners , of Inland Revenue, shall prescribe the form of notice, and make such regulations as may be necessary with respect to the transmission of notices by officers of Inland Revenue, the steps to be taken for the preparation and filling up of forms and documents, and generally all matters which may be necessary, so as to authorise the grant of probate or letters of administration.

(4)Officers of Inland Revenue are hereby empowered to administer all necessary oaths or affirmations, and in the case of letters of administration, to attest the bond and accept the same on behalf of the President or Judge of the Division.

(5)Where the estate and effects shall exceed the value of one hundred pounds, the stamp duty payable on' the affidavit for the Commissioners of Inland Revenue shall be the fixed duty of thirty shillings, and no more.