Colonial Stock Act 1877

Stock Certificates to Bearer

7Stock certificate to bearer

The registrar, if so authorised by the government of a colony issuing stock to which this Act applies, shall on application and payment of the fees and stamp duty, if any, chargeable in respect of the certificate, grant to a stockholder a certificate (in this Act called a stock certificate to bearer) which shall entitle the bearer to the stock therein described, and shall be transferable by

There shall be attached to such certificate coupons entitling the bearer of or person named in the coupons to the dividends on the stock for a limited period.

Any stock in respect of which a stock certificate to bearer has been so issued shall, so long as such certificate is outstanding, cease to be dealt with through the medium of the register.

A coupon so issued shall be deemed to be a cheque on a banker within the meaning of any law or enactment for the time being in force relating to cheques other than any enactment relating to stamp duties. .

8Stamp duty on stock certificate to bearer

Where a composition has not been paid in respect of the stamp duty chargeable on the transfer of any stock to which this Act applies, a stock certificate to bearer issued in respect of that stock shall be charged with a stamp duty of two shillings and sixpence for every full sum of one hundred pounds, and also for every fraction less than one hundred pounds, or over and above one hundred pounds or a multipl of one hundred pounds, of the-nominal amount of stock described in such certificate.

9Renewal of coupons or certificate

On the expiration of the period for which the coupons-attached to a stock certificate to bearer have been issued under this Act, the certificate may be exchanged for another certificate with coupons for a further period : Provided, that the certificate issued in exchange, if the stamp duty has not been compounded, shall be duly stamped, but in such case the Commissioners of Inland Revenue shall, on production to them of both certificates duly stamped, and subject to such regulations as they may from time to time make, grant allowance for the stamp on the former certificate.

10Conversion into nominal stock of stock in certificate to bearer

On delivery to the registrar of a stock certificate to bearer issued under this Act, and of all unpaid coupons belonging thereto, the registrar shall enter the bearer in the register as proprietor of the stock described in the certificate, and thereupon that stock shall become transferable and the dividends thereon payable as if no-stock certificate to bearer had been issued in respect of that stock.

11Conversion of stock certificate to bearer into nominal certificate

If the bearer of a stock certificate to bearer issued under this Act insert therein the name, address, and quality of some person such certificate shall cease to be transferable, and the person so named, or some person deriving title from him by devolution in law, shall alone be recognised by the registrar as entitled to the stock described in the certificate, and shall be entitled to be entered in the register as proprietor of that stock in like manner as if he were the bearer of a stock certificate to bearer, but if deriving his title by devolution in law he shall produce such evidence of his title as the registrar may reasonably require.

12Trustee not to apply for stock certificate to bearer

A trustee shall not apply for or hold a stock certificate to bearer issued under this Act unless expressly authorised to do so by the terms of his trust. But this provision shall not impose on the registrar an obligation to inquire whether a person applying for a stock certificate to bearer is or is not a trustee, or subject the registrar to any liability in the event of his issuing a stock certificate to bearer to a trustee, or invalidate any stock certificate to bearer issued. .

13Loss of stock certificate to bearer

If any stock certificate to bearer issued under this Act is lost, mislaid, or destroyed, the registrar shall, on such indemnity being given as he may reasonably require, and on payment of the expense of the issue, issue a fresh stock certificate to bearer in the place of the certificate so lost, mislaid, or destroyed.

14Stock in certificate to bearer to have incidents of other stock, except as to transfer, &c

Stock described in a stock certificate to bearer issued under this Act shall, save as relates to the mode of transfer and payment of dividends, be subject to the same incidents in all respects as if it had continued to be transferable in the register.