
VIIIApplication of certain Monies to Parishes of St. Margaret's and St. John's, Westminster.

And be it enacted, That so much of the secondly recited [3 & 4 Vict. c. 113. s. 31] Act as relates to the Application of certain Monies therein specified towards making a better Provision for the Cure of Souls in the respective Parishes of Saint Margaret and Saint John, Westminster, shall be repealed; and that it shall be lawful to apply such Monies towards making such better Provision in such Manner as by the Authority in the same Act provided shall be deemed best for the Spiritual Interests of the said Parishes respectively; provided that such Monies shall be exclusively applied within the respective Parishes with which the Canonries in the Collegiate Church of Saint Peter Westminster are connected, and from the Proceeds of which they respectively accrue; and that with respect to the Parish of Saint John, it shall also be lawful, by the like Authority, in the same Manner, to apply so much of the Monies paid over to the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England, or to their Account, by the Treasurer of the. Governors of the Bounty of Queen Anne, under the Provisions of the same Act, as came to his Hands by reason of the temporary Suspension of the Canonry in the said Church, to which is now annexed the Rectory of the said Parish of Saint John, together with any Interest which may have accrued thereon.