

As to the entry of goods landed for examination by bill of sight and perfecting entry thereof

61Goods to be taken to Queen's warehouse in default of perfect entry, and sold in default of such entry within one month after landing. Entry not valid unless in manner required by law.

If full and perfect entry of any goods landed by bill of sight as aforesaid be not made within three days after the landing thereof, or within such further time as the Commissioners of Customs may see fit, such goods shall be taken to the Queen's warehouse by the officers of the Customs; and if the importer shall not within one month after such landing make perfect entry of such goods, and pay the duties thereon or on such parts thereof as can be entered for home use, together with the charges of removal and of warehouse rent, such goods shall be sold for the payment of such duties and charges (or for exportation if they be such as cannot be entered for home use or shall not be worth the duties), and the overplus, if any, after payment of such duties and charges, or the charges if sold for exportation, shall be paid to the importer or proprietor thereof: Provided always, that if any entry at any time made as and for a full and perfect entry for goods provisionally landed by bill of sight or deposited in the Queen's warehouse as aforesaid shall not be made in manner herein required for the clue landing of the goods, the same shall be deemed to be goods landed without entry.