

As to the collection and management of duties of Customs, drawbacks, and allowances.

24Bank of England not to dispose of money, &c, except for a specified purpose.

The Governor and Company of the Bank of England shall not pay or transfer, apply, or dispose of any part of the money, notes, bills of exchange, or drafts which may be paid in and placed to the account of the said Commissioners of Customs from such account, except in accordance with the rules and regulations for the time being of the Commissioners of the Treasury, unless any such notes, bills of exchange, or drafts shall be required by the Solicitor of Customs for the purpose of taking out an extent for the security of the money for which the same shall have been given, in which case such notes, bills of exchange, or drafts, or any of them, shall be delivered to such solicitor or his clerk, on the order of the Commissioners of Customs for that purpose, and such delivery shall be entered in the book herein directed to be provided.