
Recovery of Loans

23Powers in relation to rate where default made

Where a loan made by the Commissioners is secured by the mortgage of a rate (whether with or without any other security), and the Commissioners might, if such loan were secured upon a mortgage of property, take possession of such property, the Commissioners may, without prejudice to any other remedy, by notice in writing served at the office or last known place of address of the mortgagor, or where from any cause the same cannot be so served by notice in writing published in the prescribed manner, declare their intention to exercise the powers conferred by this Act, and thereupon the Commissioners shall have and may exercise the same power as the mortgagor of making and levying the rate mortgaged, and for that purpose the Commissioners or their secretary with their concurrence may appoint an officer who, subject to the direction of the Commissioners, shall have and may exercise the same powers, authorities, and duties as if he had been appointed by the mortgagor.

The Commissioners, in making an estimate of the rate to be levied for the purpose of paying any sum due, may add such sum as they think sufficient for defraying and may defray thereout all costs, charges, and expenses, including remuneration to any officer or other person employed, incurred, by the Commissioners in the execution of their powers under this section or otherwise by reason of the default in payment.

Any balance remaining in the hands of the Commissioners shall be paid by them to the mortgagor.

The Commissioners may, by a like notice, declare their intention to relinquish the powers conferred by this section, and that either absolutely or with reservations and conditions, and thereupon all such powers shall revest in the mortgagor, subject to the said reservations and conditions.