
Supplemental Provisions as to Loans and Securities

35Security for completion of works partly finished or not commenced

Where the Commissioners grant a loan in aid of any work which is either partly completed or not commenced, they may, by a bond to Her Majesty or otherwise, take such security for the application of the loan to the work, and for the due completion of the work (including the raising of sufficient funds for that purpose), as they may think sufficient for securing the interest of the public.

36Examination as to proper application of moneys lent

Where the Loan Commissioners advance any loan for any purpose on the security of a rate, it shall be the duty of the Local Government Board to satisfy themselves that the loan is applied to such purpose; they may from time to time make such, examination as they may think necessary with a view to ascertain that such loan has been so applied.

The Local Government Board may appoint any officer to conduct on their behalf any examination under this section, and such officer shall have the same powers to require the attendance of persons and the production of accounts and other documents, so far as such attendance or production is required for the purpose of such examination, as an inspector of the Local Government Board has under the Acts relating to the relief of the poor.

37Suspension of payment of principal and interest

The Treasury may, on the recommendation of the Loan Commissioners, postpone for any time not exceeding five years the payment of the instalments of principal and interest, or either, due or to become due in respect of a loan granted by the Commissioners for the purpose of any work, and that upon such terms and conditions for the completion and improvement of such work, and the ultimate payment of such principal and interest, as the Treasury may on the said recommendation authorise.

38Change of security

The Loan Commissioners may, subject to the prescribed regulations, if under the circumstances of the case they think fit, accept any security in lieu of any security previously given to them, or of any part of such security, and that subject to such terms and conditions as they direct; so, however, that the substituted security shall be of the character which the Commissioners might take if the loan were originally granted at the time of such substitution, and that no change of security under this section shall extend the period for the repayment of the loan.

39Concurrence by Commissioners in leases, sales, &c. of mortgaged property

The Loan Commissioners may concur in any lease, conveyance, release, or other disposition of any property mortgaged under this Act, or any part thereof, and in the arrangements relative thereto, upon such terms and conditions as they may think fit, and either with or without consideration, so that in their opinion the payment, with interest, of the loan charged on the mortgaged property is sufficiently secured or is not thereby made less secure.