
PART IVSupplemental Provisions, Legal Proceedings, Exemptions, and Definitions

Application of Act to Ireland

This Act shall apply to Ireland, with the following modifications; that is to say

116Definition of local authority

The local authority for the purposes of this Act shall be—

(1)In the city of Dublin, the Lord Mayor, aldermen, and burgesses acting by the town council:

(2)In any urban sanitary district in which the powers, jurisdictions, and authorities of the grand jury of the county in which such district is situate are vested and exercise-able by the urban sanitary authority, except as hereafter in this section mentioned, the urban sanitary authority :

(3)In any harbour within the jurisdiction of a harbour authority, whether situate or not within the jurisdiction of any local authority, before in this section mentioned, the harbour authority, to the exclusion of any other local authority :

(4)In any place in which there is no local authority as before in this section defined, the justices in petty sessions assembled.

The expressions " urban sanitary authority " and " urban sanitary district " have the same meanings respectively as in the Public Health, Ireland, Act, 1874.

117Power of certain local bodies to become a local authority

The urban sanitary authority of any district in Ireland which is not constituted a local authority by this Act may, by order of a Secretary of State made upon the application of such authority and published in the Dublin Gazette, be declared to be a local authority for the purposes of this Act, and thereupon shall become a local authority accordingly for such part of their district as is not included in any harbour, to the exclusion of the justices in petty sessions.

118Expenses of local authority

All expenses incurred by any local authority in carrying into effect the execution of this Act in Ireland, including the salary and expenses of any officer directed by them to act under this Act, shall be paid out of the local rate. The local rate shall for the purposes of this Act mean as follows; that is to say,

And the local rate or any increase of the local rate may, notwithstanding any limitation in any Act, be levied for the purposes of this Act.

All expenses incurred in any petty sessions district which are by this Act payable out of poor rates shall be paid upon the written order of the local authority which shall have incurred the same by the treasurer of the poor law union, or the treasurers of the poor law unions within which such petty sessions district is situate, according to the terms of such order.

Where such petty sessions district is situate within two or more poor law unions, the local authority shall in making such order apportion the amount of such expenses fairly between such unions, according to the net annual value of the rateable property forming the parts of such petty sessions district situate within the same

All moneys by this Act made payable by the treasurer of any poor law union in respect of expenses incurred in any petty sessions district wholly or partly within such union by the local authority shall be paid by him out of the funds then lying in his hands to the credit of the guardians of such union, and such guardians shall in their account with the electoral divisions of such union, debit each electoral division wholly or partly within such petty sessions district with its proportion of the sum so paid by the treasurer according to the net annual value for the time being of the rateable property within such electoral division, and also within such petty sessions district.

119Form of registers of store licenses and registered premises, and amount of fees, to be approved by Secretary of State

The register of store licenses and of registered premises to be kept by the local authorities in Ireland shall be kept in such form and manner, and the fees for entries to be made therein shall (subject to the limits as to fees prescribed by this Act) be such as the Secretary of State shall from time to time approve.


In this Act with respect to Ireland—

121Application of penalties in Ireland

Except as by this Act expressly provided, all penalties imposed under this Act in Ireland shall be applied in manner directed by the Fines (Ireland) Act, 1851, and any Acts amending the same.