
Application of certain of the preceding Provisions of this Act to Ireland

78Closing of premises at certain hours on Sunday, Christmas Day, Good Friday, &c.

Notwithstanding the provisions of section forty-three of the Act passed in the session of Parliament held in the twenty-third and twenty-fourth years of the reign of Her present Majesty, chapter one hundred and seven, it shall not be lawful for any person to sell or expose for sale, or to open or to keep open any premises for the sale of, intoxicating liquors on Sunday, Christmas Day, Good Friday, or any day appointed for a public fast or thanksgiving after nine o'clock at night within any city or town the population of which according to the last parliamentary census shall exceed five thousand, nor elsewhere after seven o'clock at night on such days, and on other days after ten o'clock at

The provisions of all Acts relating to the sale of intoxicating liquors by retail, authorising or forbidding the doing of any act, matter, or thing at any times during which the sale of intoxicating liquors is by the said Acts prohibited, shall be construed as if the times during which the sale of intoxicating liquors is prohibited by this section were substituted respectively in the said Acts for the times therein mentioned.

Any person who sells or exposes for sale, or opens or keeps open any premises for the sale of, intoxicating liquors at any other times than those limited for such purpose by section forty-three of the Act passed in the session of Parliament held in the twenty-third and twenty-fourth years of the reign of Her present Majesty, chapter one hundred and seven, as the same is amended by this section, or during such times as aforesaid allows any intoxicating liquors to be consumed on such premises, shall for the first offence be liable to a penalty not exceeding ten pounds, and for any subsequent offence to a penalty not exceeding twenty pounds.

Any conviction for an offence against this section shall be recorded on the license of the person convicted, unless the convicting magistrate or justices shall otherwise direct.

None of the provisions contained in this section shall preclude a person licensed to sell any intoxicating liquor to be consumed on the premises from selling such liquor to bona fide travellers or to persons lodging in his house.

Nothing in this section contained shall preclude the sale at any time at a railway station of intoxicating liquors to persons arriving at or departing from such station by railroad.