
Legal Proceedings

55As to record of convictions of licensed persons for offences under Act.

With respect to the record of convictions of licensed persons for offences under this Act committed by them as such, the following provisions shall have effect in cases where this Act requires the conviction to he recorded on the license; that is to say,

(1)The court before whom any licensed person is accused shall require such person to produce and deliver to the clerk of the court the license under which such person carries on business, and the summons shall state that such production will be required:

(2)If such person is convicted, the court shall cause the short particulars of such conviction, and the penalty imposed, to be endorsed on his license before it is returned to the offender:

(3)The clerk to the licensing justices shall enter the particulars respecting such conviction, or such of them as the case may require, in the register of licenses, kept by him under this Act:

(4)If the clerk to the court he not the clerk to the licensing justices, he shall send forthwith to the last-mentioned clerk notice of such conviction, and of the particulars thereof :

(5)Where the conviction of any such person has the effect of forfeiting the license, or of disqualifying any person or premises for the purposes of this Act, the license shall he retained by the clerk of the court, and notice of such forfeiture and disqualification shall be sent to the licensing officer of the district, and if the clerk to the court is not the clerk to the licensing justices to such last-mentioned clerk, together with the forfeited license.