
Amendment of Law as to Grant of Licenses

47Mode of ascertaining annual value.

The licensing justices shall take such means as may seem to them best for ascertaining the annual value of any premises for the purposes of this Act, and may, if they think fit, order a valuation to be made of such premises by a competent person appointed by them for the purpose, and may order the costs of such valuation to be paid by the applicant for a license.

The annual value of premises for the purposes of this Act shall be the annual rent which a tenant might be reasonably expected, taking one year with another, to pay for the same, if he undertook to pay all tenant's rates and taxes, and tithe commutation rentcharge (if any), and if the landlord undertook to bear the cost of the repairs and insurance and other expenses (if any) necessary to maintain the premises in a state to command the said rent, and if no license were granted in respect thereof; but no land shall be included in such premises other than any pleasure grounds or flower or kitchen garden, yard, or curtilage usually held and occupied and used by the persons residing in and frequenting the house.