Amendment of Law as to Grant of Licenses

45Qualification of premises for licenses.

Premises to which at the time of the passing of this Act no license under the Acts recited in the Wine and Beerhouse Act, 1869, authorising the sale of beer or wine for consumption thereupon is attached, shall not be subject to any of the provisions now in force prescribing a certain rent or value or rating as a qualification for receiving any such

Premises not at the time of the passing of this Act licensed for the sale of any intoxicating liquor for consumption there upon shall not be qualified to receive a license authorising such sale unless the following conditions are satisfied:


The premises, unless such premises are a railway refreshment room, shall be of not less than the following annual value :

  • If situated within the city of London or the liberties thereof, or any parish or place subject to the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan Board of Works, or within the four mile radius from Charing Cross, or within the limits of a town containing a population of not less than one hundred thousand inhabitants, fifty pounds per annum; or if the license do not authorise the sale of spirits, thirty pounds per annum :

  • If situated elsewhere and within the limits of a town containing a population of not less than ten thousand inhabitants, thirty pounds per annum; or if the license do not authorise the sale of spirits, twenty pounds per annum:

  • If situated elsewhere and not within any such town as above mentioned, fifteen pounds per annum; or if the license do not authorise the sale of spirits, twelve pounds per annum:


The premises shall be, in the opinion of the licensing authority, structurally adapted to the class of license for which a certificate is sought: Provided that no house, not licensed at the time of the passing of this Act for the sale of any intoxicating liquor for consumption on the premises, shall be qualified to have a license attached thereto authorising such sale, unless such house shall contain, exclusive of the rooms occupied by the inmates of such house, if the license authorise the sale of spirits, two rooms, and if the license do not authorise the sale of spirits, one room, for the accommodation of the public.