Licensing Act 1872

Saving Clauses

72Saving of certain privileges, rights, &c.

Nothing in this Act shall affect or apply to—


The privileges at the date of the passing of this Act enjoyed by any university in England, or the respective chancellors or scholars of the same, or their successors :


The privileges at the date of the passing of this Act enjoyed by the mayor or burgesses of the borough of St. Alban's in the county of Hertford, or their successors, or the exemption from the obligation to take out a license as defined by this Act, or a license from the Commissioners of Inland Revenue enjoyed by the company of the master, wardens, and commonalty of vintners of the city of London :


The sale of spruce or black beer :


The sale of intoxicating liquor by proprietors of theatres in pursuance of the Acts in that behalf:


The sale of intoxicating liquor in packet boats, in pursuance of the Acts in that behalf:


The sale of intoxicating liquor on special occasions in pursuance of the provisions in that behalf enacted:


The sale of spirits in canteens, in pursuance of any Act regulating the same:


The sale of medicated or methylated spirits, or spirits made up in medicine and sold by medical practitioners or chemists and druggists :


The sale of intoxicating liquor by wholesale :


Any penalties recoverable by or on behalf of the Commissioners of Inland Revenue, or any laws relating to the Excise.

73License as denned by this Act not required for certain retail sales.

A license as defined by this Act shall not be required for—


The sale of wine by retail, not to be consumed on the premises, by a wine merchant in pursuance of a wine dealer's license granted by the Commissioners of Inland Revenue; or


The sale of liqueurs or spirits by retail, not to be consumed on the premises, by a wholesale spirit dealer whose premises are exclusively used for the sale of intoxicating liquors, in pursuance of a retail license granted by the Commissioners of Inland Revenue, under the provisions of the twenty-fourth and twenty-fifth of Her present Majesty, chapter twenty-one, intituled "An Act for granting to Her Majesty " certain duties of excise and stamps."