Prayer Book (Tables of Lessons) Act 1871

2Substitution of Tables of Lessons in Schedule for old tables. Old tables may be used until 1st Jan. 1879. Proviso respecting power to alter appointed Psalms and Lessons.

After the first day of January one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two, the directions respecting " the order how the rest " of Holy Scripture is appointed to be read," the Table of Proper Lessons, and the Table of daily First and Second Lessons contained in the Second Part of the Schedule to this Act shall be substituted for the following parts of the Book of Common Prayer of the Church of England respectively ; that is to say,

(1)The said directions for the directions respecting "the order" how the rest of Holy Scripture is appointed to be read," "set out in the First Part of the said Schedule;

(2)The said Table of Proper Lessons for the Table of " Proper " Lessons to be read at Morning and Evening Prayer on the " Sundays and other Holy-days throughout the year;"

(3)The said Table of daily First and Second Lessons for the corresponding portion of the Table of daily First and Second Lessons contained in the " Calendar with the Table " of Lessons; "

and all Acts relating to the Book of Common Prayer of the Church of England shall be construed to refer to such Book as altered by this Act, and after the first day of October one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one the directions and Tables of Lessons contained in the Second Part of the Schedule to this Act shall be printed and published in all editions of the said Book of Common Prayer and (so far as necessary) of the said Acts in lieu of the directions and Tables of Lessons for which they axe by this Act substituted :

Provided that the Table of Lessons hitherto in legal use may at any time prior to the first of January one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine be followed in lieu of the table hereby substituted, therefor; and provided that the occasions whereon power to alter the appointed Psalms and Lessons is, by the Schedule to this Act, committed to the Ordinary, shall be all occasions whereon the Ordinary shall judge that such alteration will conduce to edification.