Pensions Commutation Act 1871

12Commutation annuities to be applied to repay issues from the Consolidated Fund.

When an issue has been made as aforesaid out of the Consolidated Fund in repayment of advances made by the Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt under this Act; the actuary of the National Debt Office shall certify to the said Commissioners the annual amount which should be applied for a term of years to be fixed by the Commissioners, with the assent of the Treasury, as the equivalent value of the amount so repaid to the said Commissioners, and the said Commissioners shall annually apply the amount so certified, for the fixed term of years, out of the moneys to be paid to them from year to year in respect of commutations of pensions under this Act, to the purchase and cancelling of perpetual or other annuities, exchequer bills, bonds, bank advances, or other descriptions of debt, chargeable upon the Consolidated Fund, and the said actuary shall take the rate of interest at which the annual payments are to be made to the said Commissioners under this Act as the basis upon which the amount of the annual payments so to be applied are to be valued.