New Parishes Acts and Church Building Acts Amendment Act 1869

6Powers herein-before contained to apply to and authorize absolute transfer to Ecclesiastical Commissioners.

The powers and provisions herein-before contained as to pews and sittings subject to trusts as aforesaid in any such church or chapel as aforesaid shall, mutatis mutandis, be held to apply to and. shall be held to authorize the absolute transfer and conveyance to the said commissioners, by any deed or deeds, made without consideration and executed by all the parties thereto as aforesaid, of the freehold of any church or chapel, consecrated or unconsecrated, and of the vaults therein or thereunder, which, under or by virtue of any such Act of Parliament, deed, or instrument as aforesaid, is or are or shall be vested in any persons or person in their own right or as trustees or trustee of such church or chapel for an estate in perpetuity; and if such church or chapel be unconsecrated at the time of such transfer and conveyance, such freehold so transferred and conveyed shall remain in the said commissioners until the consecration of the same church or chapel, and shall then ipso facto become subject to the same laws as to all rights and property therein as the pews and sittings of ancient parish churches.