Queen Anne's Bounty Act 1840

IVOn Completion of an Agreement for Transfer of Patronage of a Cure to a Benefactor, though no Appropriation be made by the Governors, the Cure to be considered as one augmented by them.

And be it further enacted, That every Cure touching the Patronage or Right of Nomination to which any such Agreement as aforesaid with any Benefactor or Benefactors shall be made for the Benefit of such Benefactor or Benefactors, his, her, or their Heirs or Successors, though no Appropriation whatsoever to the said Cure for the Augmentation thereof shall be made by the said Governors out of the Funds at their Disposal, shall, from and immediately after the Completion of such Agreement, be deemed and considered in Law, in all respects, and to all Intents and Purposes whatsoever, as a Cure augmented by the said Governors, and the same, and the Minister or Incumbent thereof, and his Successors, shall be subject and liable to all the Laws, Rules, and Regulations relating to or concerning Cures augmented by them and the Ministers or Incumbents thereof.