Metropolitan Commons Act 1866

24 Expenses of scheme to be defrayed by memorialists, &c.U.K.

All expenses incurred by the Commissioners in relation to any memorial, or to any scheme consequent thereon, shall be defrayed by the memorialists, or by any ratepayers or inhabitants of the parish or district in or near to which the common is situate, or of the Metropolis, willing and offering to defray those expenses, or by the local authority if willing and offering to defray the same; and the Commissioners may, if they think fit, on or at any time after the presentation of the memorial, require the memorialists or those ratepayers or inhabitants, or any of them, or the local authority having offered as aforesaid (as the case may be), to pay to the Commissioners such sum as the Commissioners think requisite for or on account of those expenses, or to give security to the satisfaction of the Commissioners for the payment of those expenses on demand.