Improvement of Land Act 1864

68Rentcharges may be apportioned, or Part of the Land charged released therefrom.

If at any Time Land charged under this Act, or under any other Act authorizing the Creation of Charges by the Commissioners, is occupied in separate Farms or other Holdings, or has become the Property of separate Owners, or the Owner thereof is entitled thereto under separate Titles or for distinct and separate Interests, or is desirous to sell or dispose of Part of such Land, or Part only of such Land is subject to any Mortgage or other Incumbrance, or for any other Reason it would be desirable that the Charge should be apportioned or a Part of the Land charged released therefrom, the Commissioners may, with the Consent of the Landowner, or if the Land has become the Property of separate Owners, or a Part thereof is subject to any Mortgage or Incumbrance, then upon the Application of any One of such Owners, or of such Mortgagee or Incumbrancer, but in every Case with due Notice to the Grantee or Assignee of the Charge, or the Husband, Guardian, Tutor, Curator, Committee, or Trustee of such Grantee or Assignee, if a married Woman, Infant, Lunatic, Idiot, or furious or fatuous Person, and to such other Parties (if any) as the Commissioners think right, either release from such Charge any Part of the Land charged therewith, or apportion such Charge so that a separate and distinct Charge may become charged on each separate Farm or Holding, or on the Land of each Landowner, or on the Land held under each separate Title or for each distinct and separate Interest, or on the Part or each Part which the Landowner is desirous to sell or dispose of and the Part intended to be retained by him, or on the Part subject to such Mortgage or other Incumbrance and on the Residue, or on any other separate Parts of the Land, but so that no Charge charged under such Apportionment shall be less than Twenty Shillings for each half-yearly Payment: Provided that no Lands shall, in consequence of any such Apportionment or Release, become charged with any greater Amount than that to which, in the Opinion of the Commissioners, they have been durably benefited by the Improvements in respect of which such Charge was created.