
Execution of Improvements

34Provisional Order to protect from Impeachment of Waste, and to authorize getting Materials from Land, &c.

Every Provisional or Modifying Order shall be a full Authority to the Landowner or successive Landowners and their Representatives in the respective Cases herein-before denned, and to all Persons employed by or under Contract with him or them respectively, to enter upon the Lands to be improved, and any adjoining or neighbouring Lands acquired or authorized to be entered under either of the Two last preceding Sections, and to execute in and on the same, without Impeachment of Waste by any Remainderman or Reversioner, all the Improvements sanctioned by the same Order according to the Specifications and Plans or Drawings approved by the Commissioners, and to do, execute, and use all such Acts, Works, and Conveniences as may be proper for making, maintaining, and using such Improvements; and for the Purpose of effecting any Improvement under this or the recited Acts it shall be lawful to get and work Freestone, Limestone, Clay, Sand, and any other Mineral or Substance out of the Land to be improved for charged, and to make Tramroads and other Ways, and to burn and make Bricks, Tiles, and other Things to be used in effecting such Improvements, and also for the same Purpose to cut down and use any Timber or Trees not planted or serving for Shelter or Ornament.